Sunday 28 September 2014


Im not sure why i'm starting my blog on a bit of a low point, in fact i'm not sure why i'm writing a blogpost at all. I am typically a glass half full kinda gal, i am pretty positive and have a very happy life most of the time. Lately I have been feeling a little sad with no obvious cause. I feel like i am lacking a little purpose and need to have something other than working to get up for in the morning. I want to start again and in light of a few recent events this year and the last, get to know myself because i am feeling like i don't know me very well at all; Its all kinds of healthy to spend some time alone and let time work its slow moving but guarenteed magic.

I came across a quote which is a play on buddhist teachings, It reads 'The trouble is, You think you have time' It has been on my mind a lot lately, especially as i am a huge procrastinator and tend to put things off for no particular reason; I then beat myself up for doing said thing, and repeat. I had no real reason for telling you about that quote, other than typing it out for myself to drum it into my head.

As my favourite season is coming in i am feeling extra inspired towards everything around me and at the same time its frustrating me too as i feel like i am making promises to myself to start new adventures and try new things, and always feeling like just saying it is enough, but its not. I want to finally try eating organic and healthy like i have always wanted too, to experience how good my body and mind properly are capable of feeling, I want to have hobbies, make my friends realise how special they are to me, and stop sweating the people and things that could have been. I want to become a do-er. So this is my first shot at it.